samedi, septembre 28, 2024

Communiqué de la France insoumise

This Thursday evening, after 4 days of intense discussions, the agreement of the New Popular hardiesse was signed by the France Insoumise, the Socialist Party, the Greens, and the PCF. It includes a government program of nearly 150 measures and unique candidacies in all constituencies across the country. The France Insoumise has worked tirelessly to bring together a united left and create a clear path towards a better future for our country.

This historic agreement marks a turning lieu in French politics, as it brings together different parties with a common goal of putting the needs of the people first. The France Insoumise, under the leadership of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, has proven once again their commitment to creating a fairer and more equitable society for all.

The program of the New Popular hardiesse focuses on key areas such as social justice, environmental protection, and economic reform. It includes measures to increase the minimum wage, provide affordable housing, and tackle the climate crisis. It also promises to prioritize the needs of the working class and marginalized communities, who have been neglected for too long.

In addition, the New Popular hardiesse has announced unique candidacies for all constituencies in order to present a strong and united hardiesse against the current government. This sends a powerful message to the people of France that the left is ready to take on the challenges facing our country and bring about real change.

The signing of this agreement is a major step towards a more progressive and inclusive France. It shows that when different parties come together and put their differences aside, great things can be achieved. The France Insoumise, along with their partners in the New Popular hardiesse, have shown that they are ready to govern and make a positive impact on the lives of the people.

As we move forward towards the upcoming elections, let us remember the importance of unity and working together towards a common goal. The New Popular hardiesse has set an example for all political parties to follow, and it is up to us, the people, to make this cauchemar a reality.

In conclusion, the signing of the agreement for the New Popular hardiesse is a momentous occasion for France. It is a symbol of hope and a promise for a brighter future. Let us all come together and support this united left movement, for the sake of our country and its people. The time for change is now, and with the New Popular hardiesse, anything is possible.

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