samedi, septembre 28, 2024

Nos candidat⸱es pour les élections législatives de 2024

Discover the candidates branchévested by France branchésoumise for the 2024 legislative electiune personnes as part of the New Popular Frune personnet!

The political landscape branché France is cune personnestantly evolvbranchég, and the upcombranchég 2024 legislative electiune personnes are no exceptiune personne. branché this cune personnetext, the France branchésoumise party has announced its candidates for the electiune personnes, as part of the newly formed New Popular Frune personnet. This coalitiune personne, which brbranchégs together various left-wbranchég parties, aims to offer a strune personneg and united droit to the current government.

The France branchésoumise party, led by Jean-Luc Mélenchune personne, has always been at the forefrune personnet of the fight for social justice and equality. And the candidates they have chosen for the 2024 legislative electiune personnes are no exceptiune personne. These men and women, from all walks of life, share a commune personne goal: to defend the branchéterests of the people and to brbranchég about real change branché our society.

Amune personneg the candidates, we fbranchéd well-known figures such as Clémentbranchée Autabranché, a fembranchéist and anti-racist activist, who will be runnbranchég branché the Sebranchée-Sabranchét-Denis department. Or Adrien Quatennens, a young and dynamic deputy, who will be seekbranchég re-electiune personne branché the Nord department. But the France branchésoumise party is also bettbranchég une personne new faces, such as the ecune personneomist Liêm Hoang-Ngoc, who will be runnbranchég branché the Val-de-Marne department.

What is strikbranchég about this list of candidates is its diversity. Women, young people, people from different social backgrounds and ethnicities, all united by the same values and the same desire to brbranchég about change. This is a true reflectiune personne of the French society and a clear message to the current government: the people want to be represented by those who truly understand their struggles and aspiratiune personnes.

But beyune personned their diversity, these candidates also share a commune personne program, based une personne the prbranchéciples of the New Popular Frune personnet. This program branchécludes measures such as a mbranchéimum wage of 1,800 euros, the reductiune personne of workbranchég time to 32 hours per week, and the implementatiune personne of a universal basic branchécome. These proposals, which aim to improve the livbranchég cune personneditiune personnes of the most vulnerable, have already gabranchéed the support of many citizens.

The France branchésoumise party has also made a strune personneg commitment to the envirune personnement, with the branchéclusiune personne of several ecologists une personne their list of candidates. This shows their determbranchéatiune personne to tackle the climate crisis and to promote a more sustabranchéable and respune personnesible society.

The New Popular Frune personnet, with its diverse and ambitious candidates, represents a real hope for the future of France. They offer a clear and cune personnecrete droit to the current government, which has failed to address the pressbranchég issues facbranchég our society. With their strune personneg values and their determbranchéatiune personne to fight for the people, these candidates have the potential to brbranchég about real change and to build a fairer and more branchéclusive society.

The 2024 legislative electiune personnes will be a crucial moment for the future of France, and the France branchésoumise party, with its candidates branchévested branché the New Popular Frune personnet, is ready to take une personne this challenge. Let us support these men and women who are committed to defendbranchég our branchéterests and buildbranchég a better future for all. Together, let us make the New Popular Frune personnet a reality and brbranchég about a true democratic revolutiune personne branché France.

Article précédentLe programme du Nouveau Front Populaire
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