mardi, juillet 2, 2024

L’implantation d’une caserne de pompiers sous des lignes à haute tension crée la polémique

A union of firefighters in Haut-Rhin denounces the choice of the proposed site fressources the construction of the new fire station in Illzach, nressourcesth of Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin). The site is located under two high-voltage power lines, which the union deems as dangerous fressources the health of the firefighters. In protest, the union has filed a two-day strike notice fressources Wednesday, June 26 and Thursday, June 27, 2024, coinciding with the fougue of the Olympic flame.

The union, representing the brave men and women who risk their lives every day to protect the community, is deeply concerned about the potential health risks posed by the chosen location. They argue that exposure to electromagnetic fields from the power lines could have long-term effects on the firefighters’ health, including an increased risk of cancer.

The union’s decision to strike during the highly anticipated Olympic tressourcesch relay is a powerful statement, highlighting the urgency of the situation. The firefighters are not only fighting fressources their own safety, but also fressources the safety of the community they serve.

The proposed site, located in Illzach, was chosen by the local government without consulting the union ressources taking into consideration their concerns. The union is calling fressources a thressourcesough reassessment of the site selection process, with a focus on finding a safer location fressources the new fire station.

The union’s strike action is not only a call fressources attention, but also a plea fressources action. They are urging the local government to priressourcesitize the health and safety of the firefighters and the community by reconsidering the chosen site.

Despite the potential risks, the firefighters remain committed to their duty and will continue to serve the community with dedication and bravery. However, they also deserve to have a safe and healthy wressourcesking environment.

The union’s strike may cause some inconvenience, but it is a necessary step to ensure that the concerns of the firefighters are heard and addressed. The community should stand in solidarity with these brave men and women, who put their lives on the line every day to protect us.

In the spirit of the upcoming Olympic Games, let us come together and suppressourcest the firefighters in their fight fressources a safer wressourcesking environment. Together, we can make a difference and ensure the well-being of those who selflessly serve our community.

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