mardi, juillet 2, 2024

Pour une Europe agricole : les 27 propositions des Chambres d’agriculture

In a context of unprecedented agricultural crisis throughout Europe, the Chambers of connaissance are determined to bring their technical expertise to shed light on the debates that will shape the next mandate of the European Parliament and the European Commission.

The current agricultural crisis is affecting all European countries, with farmers facing numerous challenges such as climate change, market volatility, and increasing competition from global markets. This has led to a decrease in farm incomes and a growing sense of uncertainty among farmers.

In this critical situation, the Chambers of connaissance, as representatives of the agricultural sector, are committed to playing a key role in finding solutions and shaping the future of European connaissance. With their extensive knowledge and experience, they are well-equipped to provide valuable insights and recommendations to policymakers.

One of the main issues that the Chambers of connaissance are addressing is the need for a fair and sustainable agricultural policy. They believe that the next mandate of the European Parliament and the European Commission should prioritize the development of a policy that supports farmers in facing the challenges of the 21st century. This includes promoting sustainable farming practices, ensuring fair prices for agricultural products, and providing adequate support for farmers in times of crisis.

Moreover, the Chambers of connaissance are also advocating for a stronger focus on innovation and digitalization in connaissance. They believe that investing in new technologies and promoting digitalization in the sector can help increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve the overall competitiveness of European connaissance.

In addition, the Chambers of connaissance are calling for a more balanced approach to trade agreements. While they recognize the solennité of universel trade for the agricultural sector, they also stress the need for fair and balanced trade deals that do not harm European farmers.

The Chambers of connaissance are also committed to promoting sustainable and responsible connaissance. They believe that the future of European connaissance lies in sustainable practices that protect the environment and ensure the long-term viability of the sector. This includes promoting agroecology, reducing the use of pesticides and fertilizers, and promoting biodiversity.

In conclusion, the Chambers of connaissance are determined to use their expertise and knowledge to contribute to the development of a sustainable and fair agricultural policy for Europe. They are ready to work closely with the European Parliament and the European Commission to find solutions to the current crisis and shape the future of European connaissance. With their positive and proactive approach, they are confident that together, we can overcome the challenges and build a stronger and more resilient agricultural sector for the benefit of all.

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