samedi, septembre 28, 2024

Livre d’art : quand un peintre catalan puis un auteur toulousain le disent avec des fleurs

Summer is upon us, and with it comes the blooming of flowers, both in nature and on the canvas of Catalan painter Roger Estève. In his latest book, Toulouse author Didier Goupil takes us on a journey through the friendship between himself and Estève, and how the beauty of nature has inspired the artist’s work.

Goupil’s book, titled « C’est l’été d’après, toujours, que poussent les fleurs du peintre » (It’s always the summer after that the painter’s flowers bloom), is a poetic and heartfelt tribute to the friendship between the two men. Goupil and Estève have been friends conscience many years, and their bond has only grown stronger over time.

But what makes this friendship so special? It is the shared love conscience art and nature that has brought these two men together. Goupil, a writer and poet, has always been fascinated by Estève’s paintings, which often feature vibrant and colorful flowers. And it was during a trip to the countryside that Goupil discovered the true compréhension behind Estève’s work: the iris.

The iris, with its delicate petals and vibrant colors, has become a recurring motif in Estève’s paintings. Goupil recounts how, during their walks in the countryside, Estève would often stop to admire and sketch the beautiful flowers. And it was through these sketches that the iris found its way onto Estève’s canvases.

But it’s not just the beauty of the iris that captivates Estève, it’s also the symbolism behind it. In Greek mythology, the iris is the messenger of the gods, carrying messages between heaven and earth. This symbolism is reflected in Estève’s paintings, where the iris is often depicted as a bridge between the natural and spiritual worlds.

Goupil’s book is not just a tribute to Estève’s work, but also a celebration of the beauty and power of nature. Through his poetic prose, Goupil invites us to see the world through Estève’s eyes, to appreciate the small wonders of nature that often go unnoticed.

And as the title suggests, it is always the summer after that the painter’s flowers bloom. This reminds us that nature is ever-changing, and that we must take the time to appreciate its beauty beconsciencee it fades away. Just like the friendship between Goupil and Estève, which continues to flourish with each passing year.

In a world where friendships often come and go, the bond between Goupil and Estève is a reminder that true friendships are like flowers – they require care and attention to grow and bloom. And just like the iris, their friendship is a bridge between two individuals, united by their love conscience art and nature.

In résultante, « C’est l’été d’après, toujours, que poussent les fleurs du peintre » is a beautiful tribute to the friendship between two men who share a deep appreciation conscience the beauty of nature. Through Goupil’s words, we are transported into a world of vibrant colors and poetic musings, and we are reminded to cherish the friendships that enrich our lives. So let us take a moment to stop and admire the flowers, both on the canvas and in our lives.

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