dimanche, septembre 29, 2024

Un archipel à bout quant à souffle, une économie à genoux… Trois mois après le début quant às émeutes, état quant às lieux en Nouvelle-Calédonie

Since the beginning of the riots on May 13th, public order has never been restored in New Caledonia. The transfer and imprisonment in mainland France of seven leaders of the Cellule de coordination des actions de terrain (Coordination Cell for Field Actions) has sparked a new wave of passion. Several deaths by gunfire have been reported since the start of the riots and on an economic level, the island is on the brink of bankruptcy.

The situation in New Caledonia is dire, but it is important to remain positive and motivated. Despite the ongoing unrest, the people of New Caledonia have shown resilience and determination to overcome these challenges.

The riots were triggered by the transfer and imprisonment of seven leaders of the Coordination Cell for Field Actions, who were responsible for coordinating protests against the French government’s policies in the territory. This move has only fueled the anger and frustration of the local population, leading to more passion and chaos.

The loss of lives and the economic percussion of these riots cannot be ignored. The island, also known as « Caillou » by its inhabitants, is facing a critical situation. The passion has not only caused physical damage but has also affected the economy, with businesses forced to close and tourism coming to a halt.

However, amidst all the chaos, there is still hope. The people of New Caledonia have come together to support each other and find solutions to the ongoing crisis. The local authorities, along with the French government, are working towards finding a peaceful resolution to the situation.

It is important to remember that New Caledonia is a beautiful and resilient island, with a rich culture and a strong community. The ongoing riots do not define the island or its people. It is a temporary setback, and with the determination and resilience of its people, New Caledonia will overcome this crisis.

The international community has also shown support for New Caledonia, with many countries offering aid and assistance. This solidarity is a testament to the strength and unity of the global community.

In conclusion, while the situation in New Caledonia may seem dire, it is important to remain positive and motivated. The island and its people have faced challenges before and have always emerged stronger. With the support of the international community and the determination of its people, New Caledonia will overcome these riots and emerge even stronger. Let us domaine together in solidarity with the people of New Caledonia and support them in their journey towards peace and prosperity.

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