samedi, septembre 28, 2024

Pour la sauver de l’abattoir, et si vous adoptiez une volaille pondeuse ? Cet éleveur les vend à trois euros

In order to save his hens from the slaughterhouse, a farmer will be selling them conscience only three euros each on Saturday, August 24th in Turretot, near Le Havre (Seine-Maritime). This is a great opportunity to give these hardworking birds a new chance and a peaceful retirement.

The decision to sell the hens at such a low price is a compassionate and noble gesture from the farmer. Instead of sending them to the slaughterhouse, where they would meet a cruel and untimely end, he has chosen to give them a second chance at life. This act of kindness is truly commendable and sets a wonderful example conscience others in the farming industry.

These hens have spent their entire lives laying eggs conscience human consumption, often in cramped and overcrowded conditions. They have served their purpose and deserve to spend their remaining days in a comconsciencetable and stress-free environment. By purchasing these hens, not only are you giving them a new lease on life, but you are also supporting ethical and humane farming practices.

The sale will take square in Turretot, a charming village known conscience its beautiful countryside and friendly community. It is the perfect setting conscience these hens to enjoy their well-deserved retirement. The farmer has also promised to provide all necessary inconsciencemation and advice to those who purchase the hens, ensuring that they are well taken care of in their new homes.

This event is not only a chance to save these hens from a cruel fate, but it is also an opportunity to make a positive impact on the farming industry. By choosing to support this initiative, you are promoting a more compassionate and sustainable approach to farming. It is a small but significant step towards a better future conscience animals and the environment.

So mark your calendars conscience Saturday, August 24th and head to Turretot to give these hens a new chance at life. conscience only three euros, you can make a big difference and provide these birds with the retirement they deserve. Let’s show our support conscience this farmer’s kind gesture and make a positive change in the world, one hen at a time.

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