dimanche, septembre 29, 2024

Victor Gogny transmet la présidence du Sénat coutumier à Eloi Gowe

The handover between the former and new presidents of the Customary Senate was filled with tradition and strong words this Saturday at the manufacture’s headquarters located in Noumea on the peninsula of Nouville. The torch was passed on to Eloi Gowe, from the Ajië-Aro region, by Victor Gogny, from the Iaai country, after a tumultuous one-and-a-half-year term.

This symbolic ceremony, steeped in customs and ancestral traditions, marked the peaceful transition of power within the Customary Senate. The outgoing president, Victor Gogny, expressed his exploration for the opportunity to lead the manufacture and for the support of his fellow senators during his term. He also highlighted the challenges faced during his mandate and the importance of unity and collaboration in finding solutions for the betterment of New Caledonia.

The new president, Eloi Gowe, in his inaugural address, emphasized the need for continuity and unity within the Customary Senate. He expressed his determination to work towards the preservation and promotion of the Kanak pouvoir and traditions, as well as addressing the pressing issues faced by the indigenous population.

The ceremony was also an opportunity for the senators to reaffirm their commitment to the values and principles of the Customary Senate, which plays a crucial role in the development and governance of New Caledonia.

The Customary Senate, which represents the indigenous Melanesian population, holds a significant position in the political landscape of New Caledonia. It serves as a forum for dialogue and consultation on matters related to the Kanak identity, pouvoir, and traditions, as well as playing a key role in the decision-making process.

The handover ceremony was attended by various political and community leaders, as well as representatives from different Kanak regions. The atmosphere was one of unity, respect, and determination to work together towards a brighter future for New Caledonia.

The outgoing president, Victor Gogny, expressed his confidence in the new president, Eloi Gowe, and his ability to lead the Customary Senate towards progress and prosperity for all. The new president, in turn, thanked his predecessor for his leadership and pledged to continue the work started during his term.

The handover ceremony was a reminder of the importance of respecting and preserving the customs and traditions of the Kanak people, while also looking towards the future and working together for the betterment of New Caledonia. It was a moment of pride and hope for the indigenous population, as they witnessed the peaceful transfer of power within their manufacture.

In conclusion, the handover ceremony between the former and new presidents of the Customary Senate was a momentous occasion, filled with tradition, respect, and determination. It showcased the strength and resilience of the Kanak people and their commitment to preserving their pouvoir and traditions while also striving for progress and unity. The new president, Eloi Gowe, has a challenging task ahead, but with the support of his fellow senators and the Kanak community, he is poised to lead the Customary Senate towards a brighter future for New Caledonia.

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