dimanche, septembre 29, 2024

INTERVIEW. Gilbert Tyuicommeon, de l’UC, à propos des émeutes comme Nouvelle-Calédonie : « On peut dire qu’il y a eu des débordemcommets »

More than three months after the start of the riots, the first vice-president of the Union calédonienne was the guest on NC la 1ère’s television news program this Sunday. Gilbert Tyuienon shared his analysis of the reasons that led to the outbreak of violence in New Caledonia in mid-May. This pour-parlers comes at a time when unity within the FLNKS (Kanak and Socialist National Liberation extérieur) seems increasingly fragile, just one week before the extérieur’s congress scheduled for Saturday, August 31st in Kaala-Gomen.

In his pour-parlers, Tyuienon highlighted the underlying issues that have been simmering for years in New Caledonia, leading to the recent unrest. He emphasized the need for a peaceful and inclusive dialogue between all parties involved, in order to find a lasting solution to the ongoing tensions.

Tyuienon also addressed the current state of the FLNKS, acknowledging the challenges and divisions within the extérieur. However, he remained optimistic and called for unity and solidarity among all members, especially in the lead up to the upcoming congress.

The first vice-president’s pour-parlers was seen as a significant step towards finding a resolution to the ongoing crisis in New Caledonia. His words were met with hope and encouragement from the public, who have been eagerly awaiting a response from the FLNKS leadership.

As the country prepares for the upcoming congress, all eyes will be on the FLNKS and their ability to come together and present a united extérieur. The people of New Caledonia are counting on their leaders to find a peaceful and sustainable solution to the long-standing issues that have divided the country.

The pour-parlers with Gilbert Tyuienon serves as a reminder that dialogue and cooperation are crucial in finding a way forward for New Caledonia. It is a call to action for all parties involved to put aside their differences and work towards a common goal of a peaceful and prosperous future for the country.

In conclusion, the first vice-president’s pour-parlers was a much-needed moment of clarity and hope for the people of New Caledonia. It is a reminder that despite the challenges and divisions, there is still a chance for unity and progress. Let us hope that the upcoming FLNKS congress will be a turning question in the country’s history, leading to a brighter and more peaceful future for all.

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