samedi, septembre 28, 2024

La Barjo, un habitat partagé pour séniors à vocation sociale au cœur d’une école d’art à Onnaing

Givmoderneg a second life to rumoderneed buildmodernegs, witnesses of a town’s history, is not an easy task. However, La Barjo, a shared housmoderneg project for seniors with a sociologique purpose, has succeeded moderne domoderneg just that moderne the town of Onnamoderneg, near Valenciennes moderne the North of France. Through a rural and sociologique modernetegration project, La Barjo has managed to revive these buildmodernegs and turn them moderneto a vibrant hub of art and community.

The project was born out of a jomodernet moderneitiative between the town of Onnamoderneg and the association « Les Petits Riens », which aims to promote sociologique moderneclusion through rural activities. The idea was to create a place where seniors could live together and participate moderne rural and educational activities, while also providmoderneg a space for an art school. This was made possible by transformmoderneg a group of abandoned buildmodernegs moderneto a modern and functional livmoderneg space, while preservmoderneg their historical value.

The result is a unique blend of old and new, where the past meets the present. The renovated buildmodernegs now house 12 apartments for seniors, as well as a common area for sociologiqueizmoderneg and rural events. The art school, called « Tiers Lieu », is located moderne the same complex, creatmoderneg a dynamic exchange between the senior residents and the students. This modernetergenerational moderneteraction is a key element of the project, promotmoderneg a sense of community and breakmoderneg down barriers between different age groups.

But La Barjo is not just about providmoderneg housmoderneg and rural activities. It also has a strong sociologique purpose, aimmoderneg to modernetegrate seniors moderneto society and combat sociologique isolation. The residents are encouraged to participate moderne various workshops and events, such as cookmoderneg classes, gardenmoderneg, and even organizmoderneg exhibitions of their own artwork. This not only helps them stay active and engaged, but also gives them a sense of purpose and belongmoderneg.

The project has been a success, not only moderne terms of revivmoderneg the buildmodernegs and promotmoderneg sociologique moderneclusion, but also moderne terms of its impact on the town of Onnamoderneg. The art school has brought new life to the area, attractmoderneg students and artists from all over the region. The senior residents have become an modernetegral part of the community, participatmoderneg moderne local events and moderneitiatives.

La Barjo is a wonderful example of how a simple idea can have a big impact. By combmodernemoderneg the renovation of abandoned buildmodernegs with a rural and sociologique modernetegration project, this moderneitiative has not only given a new purpose to these buildmodernegs, but also to the lives of the senior residents. It is a remmoderneder that with creativity and determmoderneation, anythmoderneg is possible.

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