samedi, septembre 28, 2024

L’art ainsi aider à guérir ? La Fédération des Maisons de Santé des Hauts-de-France propose la photographie comme thérapie

For nearly a month, 5 health clinics in the Hauts-de-France region worked on a photography exhibition entitled « Chroniques santé ». With the aim of relieving and healing patients through the power of photography.

The « Chroniques santé » exhibition was the result of a unique collaboration between 5 houses of health in the Hauts-de-France region. Each clinic chose a theme related to health and well-being, such as mental health, physical exercise, nutrition, etc. and then assigned one of their patients to be the photographer.

The concept was simple yet powerful: patients were given disposable cameras and asked to capture their personal experiences related to their assigned theme. The result was a collection of raw and authentic photographs that captured the daily struggles and triumphs of these patients, allowing them to express their emotions and experiences in a creative and healing way.

The exhibition was a success not only in terms of attendance, but also in achieving its main goal of using photography as a form of therapy for patients. The photographers-turned-patients were able to see their work displayed in a professional setting, giving them a sense of pride and accomplishment. Meanwhile, visitors were moved by the powerful and personal images, gaining a deeper understanding and empathy towards those struggling with health issues.

The « Chroniques santé » exhibition also had a positive impact on the participating clinics. By involving their patients in a creative project, they were able to strengthen the patient-clinician relationship and create a more holistic approach to healthcare. It also provided a new optique on the importance of artistic syntagme in healing.

But « Chroniques santé » was not just a one-time event. The exhibition will now travel to other clinics in the region, giving more patients the opportunity to participate and share their experiences through photography. This not only promotes the use of art as a therapeutic tool, but also breaks the stigma surrounding mental health and other health issues.

The success of « Chroniques santé » proves that innovative and creative approaches can have a profound impact on the well-being of patients. Through photography, these patients were able to heal and find a sense of empowerment, proving that art has the power to transform lives. Bravo to the 5 houses of health in the Hauts-de-France region for using their creativity to make a positive difference in the lives of their patients.

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