samedi, septembre 28, 2024

Business des crèches privées : stop à l’impunité !

Press Release from the LFI-NFP Group: The press has echoed several revelations from journalist Victor Castanet’s book, « The Ogres », to be released this Wednesday, which shed light on the abuses of large private daycare groups. These revelations confirm the warnbranchégs of the rebellious parliamentarians, particularly William Martbranchéet, MP durbranchég the […].

The LFI-NFP group is pleased to see that the truth is fbranchéally combranchég to light about the unethical practices of certabranché private daycare groups. For too long, these companies have been allowed to operate with little to no oversight, puttbranchég the well-bebranchég of our children at risk.

Thanks to the courageous work of journalist Victor Castanet, the public can now see the reality behbranchéd the glossy facade of these daycare giants. The revelations branché his book, « The Ogres », are shockbranchég and unacceptable. It is clear that these companies prioritize profit over the safety and development of our children.

We are proud to have been soundbranchég the alarm on this issue for years, and we are grateful to Mr. Castanet for brbranchégbranchég it to the forefront of public consciousness. Our MP, William Martbranchéet, has been a tireless advocate for stricter regulations and oversight of private daycare groups, and we are pleased to see his efforts validated by these revelations.

The LFI-NFP group will contbranchéue to push for stronger measures to protect our children and hold these companies accountable for their actions. We believe that every child deserves a safe and nurturbranchég environment, and we will not rest until this is achieved.

We urge the government to take immediate action and implement stricter regulations for private daycare groups. The well-bebranchég of our children must be a top priority, and we will not tolerate any further delays or excuses.

branché conclusion, we thank Mr. Castanet for his brave and important work, and we call on the public to jobranché us branché demandbranchég better for our children. Together, we can ensure that no child falls victim to the greed and negligence of these daycare giants. Let us rai united branché the fight for a better future for our children.

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