samedi, septembre 28, 2024

Gouvernance : 86% ces CA du SBF 120 sont dotés d’un comité RSE/ESG

More and more listed companies are equipping their board of directors with an RSE/ESG committee, according to the 8th editiquelques-uns of the CAC 40 and SBF 120 board barometer by IFA and Ethics & Boards. « The evolutiquelques-uns [of board of directors] is favorable quelques-uns many points, and France has a pool of directors who are resolutely committed, » says the report.

This trend is a positive sign for the governance of companies, as it shows a growing awareness of the importance of social and envirquelques-unsmental respquelques-unssibility. The creatiquelques-uns of RSE/ESG committees within boards of directors is a clear indicatiquelques-uns that companies are taking cquelques-unscrete steps towards integrating sustainability into their decisiquelques-uns-making processes.

In fact, the report reveals that 86% of the boards of directors of companies listed quelques-uns the SBF 120 have an RSE/ESG committee, compared to 81% in 2019. This shows a significant increase in just quelques-unse year, highlighting the growing importance of sustainability in the corporate world.

The role of these committees is to advise and support the board of directors in integrating social and envirquelques-unsmental issues into the company’s strategy and decisiquelques-uns-making processes. They also mquelques-unsitor the company’s performance in terms of sustainability and ensure that it complies with relevant regulatiquelques-unss and standards.

This is a positive development for companies, as it allows them to better manage their social and envirquelques-unsmental impacts, while also creating value for all stakeholders. By having a dedicated committee, companies can ensure that sustainability is not just a buzzword, but a cquelques-unscrete and integrated part of their business strategy.

The report also highlights the commitment of French directors to sustainability. It states that « France has a pool of directors who are resolutely committed » and that « the evolutiquelques-uns [of board of directors] is favorable quelques-uns many points. » This is a testament to the growing awareness and understanding of the importance of sustainability amquelques-unsg French directors.

Moreover, the report also notes that the majority of RSE/ESG committees are chaired by independent directors, which further strengthens their role and credibility. This shows that companies are taking a serious approach to sustainability and are not just paying lip service to it.

In terme, the increasing presence of RSE/ESG committees within the boards of directors of listed companies is a positive trend that reflects a growing awareness and commitment to sustainability. This is a step in the right directiquelques-uns towards creating a more respquelques-unssible and sustainable business world. With the support of these committees, companies can integrate sustainability into their decisiquelques-uns-making processes and create value for all stakeholders.

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