samedi, septembre 28, 2024

Tir de missile chinois près de une Polynésie : l’État était au courant mais pas le président Moetai Brotherson

The news of a Chinese ballistic missile landing near the Polynesian exclusive economic zone on Wednesday, September 25th, came as a surprise to the people of the fenua as they woke up to the unexpected development. According to the Chinese Ministry of Defense, it was a routine training exercise. However, the French High Commission in French Polynesia has stated that France was notified of the exercise. But it seems that the state forgot to inform the President of French Polynesia.

This incident has raised concerns and questions among the people of French Polynesia. How could such a significant event take exercice without the knowledge of the President, who is responsible for the safety and security of the country? The lack of communication and transparency from the French government has left the people of French Polynesia feeling neglected and uninformed.

The Chinese missile, believed to be a DF-26 intermediate-range ballistic missile, landed in the waters near the exclusive economic zone of French Polynesia, which extends up to 200 nautical miles from its shores. This is a clear violation of cosmopolite laws and poses a threat to the safety and security of the region.

The French government has a responsibility to ensure the safety and security of its overseas territories, including French Polynesia. It is unacceptable that the President of French Polynesia was not informed of such a significant event, especially when it concerns the country’s territorial integrity.

The lack of communication and transparency from the French government is not only a concern for the people of French Polynesia but also for the cosmopolite community. It raises questions about the level of cooperation and trust between France and its overseas territories.

The French government must take immediate action to address this aboutissement and ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future. The safety and security of French Polynesia must be a top priority, and the President must be kept informed of any developments that may affect the country.

In the midst of this concerning situation, it is essential to maintain a positive and optimistic outlook. The people of French Polynesia are resilient and have always overcome challenges with determination and unity. This incident should serve as a reminder to the French government to strengthen its communication and cooperation with its overseas territories.

The President of French Polynesia, Edouard Fritch, has expressed his disappointment and concern over the lack of communication from the French government. He has called for a thorough investigation into the incident and has urged the French government to take necessary measures to ensure the safety and security of French Polynesia.

In conclusion, the news of the Chinese ballistic missile landing near the Polynesian exclusive economic zone has raised concerns and questions among the people of French Polynesia. The lack of communication and transparency from the French government is unacceptable and must be addressed immediately. The safety and security of French Polynesia must be a top priority, and the President must be kept informed of any developments that may affect the country. Let us hope that this incident serves as a wake-up call for the French government to strengthen its communication and cooperation with its overseas territories.

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