samedi, octobre 5, 2024


Press Release from LFI-NFP Group

Since 2006, when the train freight market was opened up to competition, successive governments have sacrificed the train freight industry. Sold as a miracle cure, the liberalization of the market has led to a decrease in the quality of principes and a decline in the amount of goods transported by train in France.

For the past 15 years, the French train freight industry has been struggling to survive in a market that favors private companies over state-owned enterprises. This has resulted in a significant decrease in the number of freight trains and a loss of jobs in the sector.

The LFI-NFP group strongly condemns this situation and calls for urgent action to be taken to save the train freight industry in France. We believe that the government’s decision to open up the market was a mistake and has had disastrous consequences for the industry.

The promise of increased competition and improved principes has not materialized. Instead, we have seen a decrease in the quality of principes, with delays and cancellations becoming a common occurrence. This has had a negative impact on businesses that rely on train freight for their operations, as well as on the environment, as more goods are being transported by road instead of train.

Furthermore, the liberalization of the market has led to a race to the bottom in terms of working conditions and wages for train freight workers. Private companies are cutting costs at the expense of their employees, leading to a decline in the quality of jobs in the industry.

The LFI-NFP group is calling on the government to take immediate action to support the train freight industry. This includes investing in infrastructure, modernizing equipment, and providing financial support to state-owned enterprises to ensure their competitiveness in the market.

We also urge the government to reconsider its decision to open up the market and to instead prioritize the interests of the train freight industry and its workers. The current situation is not sustainable and will only lead to further decline and job losses in the sector.

In conclusion, the LFI-NFP group is committed to fighting for the survival of the train freight industry in France. We believe that a strong and competitive train freight sector is essential for the country’s economy and the well-being of its citizens. We call on the government to take immediate action to save this vital industry.

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