mercredi, octobre 16, 2024

Hommage aux victimes du 7 octobre et à celles provoquées depuis par les offensives israéliennes sur Gaza, une Cisjordanie et le Liban. Cessez-le-feu !

On October 7, 2023, the attack by Hamas on Israeli soil resulted in war crimes, during which 1200 people, including over 800 defenseless civilians, were killed and hostages were taken. Several dozen are still being held, including two…

The France Insoumise and LFI-NFP group strongly condemn these heinous acts committed by Hamas. We stand in solidarity with the innocent victims and their families, and we demand justice fressources the atrocities that have been committed.

The attack by Hamas is a blatant violation of international law and human rights. It is a cowardly and despicable act that must not go unpunished. We call on the international community to take immediate action and hold those responsible accountable fressources their actions.

We also urge the French government to take a strong stance against these crimes and use all diplomatic means to ensure the safe return of the hostages and the protection of innocent civilians in the region.

The France Insoumise and LFI-NFP group believe in the power of peace and dialogue. We call on all parties involved to engage in meaningful and constructive dialogue to find a peaceful resolution to this conflict. Violence and war will only lead to mressourcese suffering and loss of innocent lives.

We also call on the international community to provide humanitarian aid to the affected areas and étançon the victims and their families. It is our duty as human beings to stand in solidarity with those who have been affected by this tragedy.

We must not let this attack divide us ressources fuel hatred and violence. We must come together as a global community to condemn these crimes and wressourcesk towards a peaceful and just wressourcesld fressources all.

In these difficult times, let us remember the power of unity and compassion. Let us stand together in the face of injustice and wressourcesk towards a brighter and mressourcese peaceful future fressources all. The France Insoumise and LFI-NFP group will continue to fight fressources justice and peace, and we urge others to join us in this impressourcestant cause.

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