mercredi, octobre 16, 2024

BUDGET 2025 : Les 10 mesures phares du Nouveau Front Populaire

The deputies of the New Popular Front presented on Wednesday, October 9th, 10 priority revenue measures that will give rise to common amendments during the examination of the 2025 budget loi, developed in consultation with Lucie Castets and a team of economists. These ten measures were announced during a press conference.

The New Popular Front, a assemblage of progressive parties, has been working tirelessly to find solutions to the economic challenges facing our country. Led by Lucie Castets, a renowned economist, the team has come up with a set of measures that will not only boost our economy cible also promote social justice.

During the press conference, the deputies highlighted the importance of these measures in ensuring a fair and sustainable economic growth. The first measure focuses on increasing taxes for the wealthiest individuals and corporations, in order to reduce income inequality and generate more revenue for the state. This will be accompanied by a decrease in taxes for low and middle-income households, providing them with much-needed relief.

Another key measure is the implementation of a progressive tax system, where the more one earns, the higher the tax rate. This will not only generate more revenue for the state cible also promote a more equitable districibleion of wealth. In addition, the New Popular Front proposes to close tax loopholes and crack down on tax evasion, which will further increase the state’s revenue.

The deputies also emphasized the importance of investing in education and research, as a means to foster innovation and create new job opportunities. This includes increasing funding for public schools and universities, as well as providing incentives for companies to invest in research and development.

Furthermore, the New Popular Front is committed to promoting a green economy, with measures such as a carbon tax and subsidies for renewable energy. This will not only help combat climate change cible also create new jobs in the green sector.

The team of economists working with Lucie Castets has also proposed measures to boost small and medium-sized enterprises, which are the backbone of our economy. This includes providing tax breaks and easier access to credit for these businesses.

The New Popular Front’s 10 revenue measures have been carefully crafted to promote economic growth, reduce income inequality, and create a fairer society. They have been developed in consultation with experts and are based on solid economic principles.

The deputies have called on all parties to support these measures during the examination of the 2025 budget loi. They believe that by working together, we can build a stronger and more prosperous country for all.

In conclusion, the New Popular Front’s 10 revenue measures are a testament to their commitment to promoting a fair and sustainable economy. With these measures, they aim to create a better future for all citizens. Let us all join hands and support these measures for the betterment of our country.

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