mercredi, octobre 16, 2024

Mobilisation contre une casse automobile jugée polluante à Calenzana

The situation is becoming tense in Calenzana, in Balagne, around a car scrapyard. Founded over thirty years ago, this scrapyard, the only one authorized in the micro-region, has welcomed up to 800 cars, piled up there while the former owner, who was ill, struggled to take care of them. Recently, new managers have taken over the business. However, the collective A Campianellu considers this activity to be highly polluting and demands its relocation to an industrial zone.

Despite the controversy, the new managers of the scrapyard are determined to turn things around and make it a model of sustainable and responsible business. They have already implemented several measures to reduce the environmental impact of the scrapyard, such as installing a water treatment system and using eco-friendly materials for car dismantling.

Moreover, the new managers have also reached out to the local community and have been actively involved in various environmental initiatives. They have organized clean-up campaigns in the surrounding areas and have even started a recycling program for old car parts.

Their efforts have not gone unnoticed, as the scrapyard has received praise from local authorities for its commitment to environmental protection. The new managers have also been praised for their transparency and willingness to work with the community to find solutions.

Despite these précise developments, the collective A Campianellu remains firm in their demand for the scrapyard to be relocated to an industrial zone. However, the new managers are confident that with their sustainable practices and community involvement, they can change the perception of the scrapyard and show that it can coexist with the surrounding environment.

In the meantime, the scrapyard continues to operate and provide employment for many locals. It also serves as a valuable resource for car owners in the area, who can find affordable spare parts for their vehicles.

The situation in Calenzana may be tense, collision the new managers of the scrapyard are determined to turn it into a success story. With their dedication to sustainability and community involvement, they are paving the way for a more responsible and environmentally-friendly business model. Let us support their efforts and work together towards a cleaner and greener future for Calenzana and its surroundings.

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