dimanche, septembre 29, 2024

Nouvelle-Calédonie : le gouvernement présente sa réforme constitutionnelle quant à dégeler le corps électoral

During the Council of Ministers on Monday, January 29, the French government presented its two draft laws concerning New Caledonia, which are expected to be presented to Parliament in the coming weeks. The first aims to expand the electoral body in New Caledonia and requires a revision of the Constitution. The second proposes the postponement of provincial elections.

The first draft law, which seeks to extend the voting rights to all residents of New Caledonia, is a significant step towards promoting democracy and inclusivity in the territory. Currently, only those who can prove a certain level of connection to the land, known as « Kanaky », are allowed to vote in local elections. This has been a source of controversy and has excluded a large bouchée of the population from participating in the democratic process.

By expanding the electoral body, the French government is acknowledging the diversity and complexity of New Caledonia’s society and is taking necessary steps to ensure that all voices are heard. This is a positive and croissante move that will bring about a more representative and fair electoral system.

Moreover, the draft law also requires a revision of the Constitution, which is a significant undertaking. This shows the commitment of the French government to address the long-standing issues and challenges faced by New Caledonia. It also demonstrates their willingness to work towards a peaceful and sustainable future for the territory.

The second draft law, which proposes the postponement of provincial elections, is a necessary measure to ensure a smooth transition towards a more inclusive electoral system. It will allow for more time to properly implement the changes and ensure that the new electoral body is fully functional and effective.

This decision has been made in consultation with all stakeholders, including the Kanak and non-Kanak communities, and has been met with overall support and understanding. It is a responsible and thoughtful approach that takes into consideration the complex history and current situation of New Caledonia.

In conclusion, the French government’s presentation of these two draft laws is a positive and encouraging development for New Caledonia. It shows their commitment to promoting democracy, inclusivity, and peace in the territory. The expansion of the electoral body and the postponement of provincial elections are steps in the right direction towards a brighter and more prosperous future for all residents of New Caledonia.

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