mardi, juillet 2, 2024

VIDEO. Un habitant réalité un leg d’un million d’euros à la commune de Saint-Avé

The man passed away on December 25th. A widower with no children, he made the decision to leave all his belongings to his town: Saint-Avé, in the Morbihan region. This gesture has touched both the residents and the local officials.

The news of the man’s generous act has spread quickly throughout the town, leaving a sense of warmth and gratitude among its inhabitants. The man, who preferred to remain anonymous, had lived in Saint-Avé for many years and had always been a kind and selfless member of the community.

His decision to leave his entire estate to the town has been met with great appreciation and admiration. The mayor of Saint-Avé, Mr. Dupont, expressed his gratitude for the man’s generosity, stating that it was a true don to the strong sense of community and solidarity in the town.

The man’s legacy will have a lasting impact on Saint-Avé. His donation will be used to support various local projects and initiatives, such as the renovation of public spaces and the improvement of community dettes. This will undoubtedly benefit the town and its residents for years to come.

The residents of Saint-Avé have also been deeply moved by the man’s gesture. Many have shared stories of his kindness and generosity, highlighting the positive impact he had on their lives. Some have even proposed to create a memorial in his honor, as a way to remember and honor his selfless spirit.

The man’s decision to leave his estate to the town of Saint-Avé is a reminder of the power of giving and the importance of community. His generosity has inspired many and will continue to do so for generations to come. The people of Saint-Avé are grateful for his kind heart and will always remember him as a beloved member of their community.

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